Friday, March 9, 2012

       I've got a pretty funny life... I guess it started in fourth grade. I had a boyfriend named Juan, and I really liked him. He wasn't what most people would call "nice," but we really liked each other. I dated him for about six and a half months, then broke up with him. We weren't right for each other. Then, one day when I was at my friend Delaney's house, two of our guy friends showed up named Tommy and Spencer. After drinking some diet pepsi, (and me going crazy, resulting in me almost slicing Tommy's head off with a kitchen knife) we went into the backyard, where both Tommy and Spencer told me they liked me. They both asked me out, and I chose Tommy. Spence was really sad that I didn't pick him. He was saying things like, "Who can I be with, now that I don't have you, Sam?" (I suggested our friend, Sarah, who he dated in fifth grade.) He was so sad!
     The next day happened so fast. Being with Tommy was great, but not amazingly enjoyable. We both decided to break up. As soon as Spencer heard about it, he asked me out. I said yes.
     Around the end of the school year, I found out I was going to a school called ALPs. It's a school where kids go when they're smarter than all the rest of the kids, and it's in my old school, but everybody says ALPs are stupid and smart-aleks. When I told Spencer I was going to ALPs, he broke up with me! I got over it quickly, though.
    Well, the next year, Juan wasn't at our school. He's been dead to me until real recently. Our school gets visitors, so if the kids like it, they can come next year. we got a visitor named Ricky, and boy, at lunch time, he started dissing me and swearing off at me! I was really pissed at that, and he kept sending my friend Cora to apologise to me, so every time Cora would come up to me that day, I'd say "Cora, I don't have time for this, right now!"
     Then, this year, (sixth grade) he came to my school, but I saw that he was actually a really great guy for me, and when he texted me for the first time, asking me out, I said yes! He was perfect for me. He had a funny sense of humor, he sassed back a lot, and he had a big attitude. We dated for about three and a half months, before we started arguing, and we argued, like, every day! My friend, Austin was trying to help, but it didn't work. But the thing about Ricky was every time he messed up, later that day, he'd come and apologise and hug me.
     Then, he got a new friend, Cameron. Cameron would dis me, calling me stupid, dumb, things like that. (the names were really lame!) One thing about humans, they want to be like their friends, so I thought it was fine when he did the same when he was with Cameron. He'd always come and hug me afterwards. But one day, he did the same with Cameron, but he didn't stop! He was like that all through 5th hour, (lunch) 6th hour, 7th hour, and I broke up with him 8th hour. I said we didn't ave to be done if he'd stop, but he just stared off into space, said "I can't do that to Cameron" looked at me, and said "Ugly" It was over after that. That was on a Monday, and all the rest of that week, he had a worse attitude. The next Tuesday was his last day at ALPs. (If your not smart enough, they kick you out)
     I've been having a really hard time leting go of Ricky. I found out at Ricky's new school, he also goes to school with, wouldn't you know it, JUAN! That's not a good thing!
   Austin, who witnessed everything, asked me out on Valentines day! I'd liked him a little in fifth grade, so I said yes, but on the March 7th, I broke up with him. We've known each other since kindergarten, so it was a little weird. Also, I still can't get over Ricky! It's been over a month, and I'm still stuck on him! (It also doesn't help that my friend Mackie can't get over him either.)
     So now I'm single, again, and still trying to get over Ricky, still seeing a counselor, and I'm fine with it! So now I hope you can take the advise I'm gonna give you (and the stories) and make sure if this is happening to you, think about your own life. Se if you're like me. I hope you guys don't make the same mistakes as me!
                                                                             Hope this helped a little!
                                                                                   ~Sam A.

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